Client - Logo

Achief, a brand new HR tool
for medium and big companies
to optimize employees


Client: Achief is a Spanish startup based in Barcelona that operates in the HR and consulting field. Thanks to their extensive experience in HR management, their clients list spans from well renowned economy schools to insurance firms and banks. For this project we have been asked to develop a new HR tool that helps companies to boost and monitor employees growth both professionally and personally.

Services: Project Analysis - UX/UI design - Frontend and Backend development

  • Technology:
achief HR tool
achief HR tool

Our Goal

Based on the idea and concepts that were given us during the initial briefing, our aim was to create the simplest online experience for the user. The complexity of the processes at play had us focusing towards a clean design and a simple color palette in order to facilitate the use of the variety of tools that are part of the Achief platform.

A better understanding of your employees
is the key to develop a winning team


Idea and Research - Understanding of the project and planning of its functionalities.

Prototype - Context analysis, usage flow study and design, prototyping and DB design.

Ux/Ui - Design of the UX and UI and usability testing both desktop and mobile.

Development - Responsive front-end development using ReactJs, back-end implementation with Java.

Design a seamless experience
to help the user through the app

Achief in detail

The Achief platform allows employees and HR managers to work together on the employee self deveopment process.

The process starts with the analysis of the person, to whom the platform or the relevant HR manager assigns some questionnaires to compile. These questionnaires are specifically developed to assess strenghts and weaknesses of the employee in order to design a series of charts that represent the stage of that person's evolution in that specific moment.

Once the assessment has been performed, a series of parameters have also been registered and will be matched with the parameters of some online/offline resources created to help the subject in her/his development journey, These resources are called actions and are grouped into objectives.

Each objective represents a specific self development goal, both private or professional. Each employee is given a series of objectives based on the results of the initial assessment but can also choose one or more objectives or specific actions from a list that is made available to him.

During the whole process the Achief platform allows the HR managers to monitor the progress made and quickly see where some difficulties might arise. A dedicated channel of communications and notifications is in place to facilitate the contact between these two actors and speed up things.

We have been able to
develop our vision counting
on a great support from the team

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