Client - Logo

A repository of productivity
tools to automate, organise and
speed up your digital workflow


Client: This time Meetico is the client. Tools has been created to work at the core of our business, it allows us to check our finances, create proposals and invoices, store and organise documents, remember passwords and stay up to date with all that matters.

Services: Idea and Research - Branding - UX/UI - Development

  • Technology:

Our Goal

We decided to start with our internal client proposal system. It was fully manual and not optimised. We wanted something more centralised and organised. So we came up with the idea of creating a first tool that could allow us to automate several steps of a proposal creation. We then identified which other tools we were using the most in our daily operations and decided to integrate some of them in the platform. Our goal was to be able to work within a single repository of documents and tools and ultimately optimise our daily use of time.

Automate the internal processes
to optimise your daily use of time.


Idea and Research - Analysis of the current production systems; Definition of the automation criteria and benefits; identification of the best dev tech.

Branding - Message and tone, color palette, font selection and logo design.

Ux - Context analysis, usage flow design, prototyping and testing.

Development - DB structure, using React Js, beta testing and release.

Digitally manage all
aspects of a sale

Tools in detail

Tools is a set of useful productivity tools. All under one roof. For months we have been studying which tools could better help our daily workflow and this is what we have created so far:

  Proposal Generator
This engine automates and centralises the creation of a client proposal. It allows users to quickly setup a new document choosing its language, currency, expiry date and tax rate.It communicates with an internal client management system that instantly loads all relevant data. It allows to itemise a proposal creating a list of elements with their own unique description and price. The payment schedule can be managed too, with the possibility to choose currency, payment type and timings. On top of these features we've added a templating system that allows a user to save recurring elements and optimise time for future proposals. The system also gives the possibility to visually update the status of a proposal and be always up to date. Each proposal also works as a document repository allowing to store related documents like invoices or contracts.

  T&Cs manager
Working in sync with the Proposal Generator, this engine helps creating and attaching to each proposal the right legal document. Also for this tool, we have created a templating system that allows a user to create legal documents starting from a common base but adding or removing paragraphs as needed. Templates work for entire legal documents or just for the items that compose them, giving the user total flexibility and control over the contract helping to build a premade library that will allow the user to quickly create/amend contracts. With just one click, the final document can be attached to the client proposal, legally binding them together.

  Income Tracker
This tool adds a proposals' value into an income chart. By switching the status of a proposal, the Income Tracker updates its figures and visually shows how the income is redistributed over time. The Tracker displays the various possible proposal statuses: from pending to signed but also cancelled and rejected. This business intelligence tool immediately shows the status of the proposals and their impact on the total annual income. The tracker also allows a user to set a goal for the year and check the monthly progress and the adherence to the goal itself.

  Rate Exchanger
This tool has been created for those businesses that operate in different markets and that need to quickly translate the value of a proposal or invoice from one currency to another. Connected to the daily data of the European Central Bank, the Exchanger is both a standalone tool in the dashboard and a feature integrated into the Proposal Generator always providing the user with the right exchange rate.

  Tasks manager
Following the idea of centralising useful tools in one container, the Task Manager has been developed and introduced as it connects the proposals to their natural next step, the actual work. As all todos, it helps organising the tasks and assigning them to the relevant people. The interesting automation we have introduced is that as soon as a proposal changes its status to “signed”, the relevant todos is created. The user can then decide to populate it or delete it if he thinks a todo list is not required for that particular project.

  Passwords Manager
Using a top notch security algorithm, this feature has been developed to fully manage a new insert of data starting from a totally blank template. We found ourselves meeting some constraints using other services and so we studied and developed this system that can flexibly manage all aspects of a new entry, allowing a more complete and professional approach to password management.

Just great for organising work!
I will definitely have more
time for my passions

If you liked what you have seen, feel free to contact us!

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